Grow in Wellness Wants to Hear From You!

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Let's face it, it's tough to navigate the world of healthy eating.  There are a multitude of messages touting everything from heart healthy foods to promised weight loss. Nearly every product on the store shelves has a label filled with buzzwords designed to make you choose them to spend your dollars on, whether or not it's truly good for you.  Choosing meals at a restaurant is even trickier since it's rare to know the source of ingredients in each dish or what kinds of oils are used to prepare them. Cooking at home is always the best choice, but finding new, healthier recipes and learning how to cook with unusual ingredients can be overwhelming.  And if you want to go a step further and choose better-for-your-body skin products, then knowing which way to go can make you freeze in your tracks from all the confusion.

If you can relate to any of the above scenarios, then Grow in Wellness wants to hear from you. What are your biggest frustrations with grocery store shopping? What is hardest about choosing a restaurant when you want to eat out? How easy is it to sort through menu options and know which dishes are better than others? Are you bored of your home recipe collection? Do you wish you could bring healthier meals to your family dinner table? Have you ever considered the effects of what body care products you use and want to make improvements?  

Grow in Wellness wants to help you make healthier choices and the best way to do that is to have you tell us what your biggest struggles are.  Please share your thoughts through the comments section or email them directly to  Can't wait to hear what you have to say! 

Wellness Travel Essentials

Summer travel, no matter how far or near, can pose a challenge for the healthy minded eater. Actually, travel at any time of the year can make it tricky to stay on track with healthy habits. But just like other travel plans that have to be made, like airline tickets, hotels and what to wear, you need to plan for what goes in your body, too. I call it Wellness Travel Essentials.

I recently traveled to beautiful Ireland with my mom and daughter and knew that long travel days and uncertain food choices in a foreign country could make it hard to stay nourished in a “grow in wellness” kind of way. But with a little planning, I went well stocked with essentials that travel well and helped us keep wellness a priority in a not-always-healthy environment.  Here is what got packed (each item explained below):


General Wellness – stress, interrupted sleep patterns and sharing public spaces like airplanes, bathrooms and handrails of busses and trains all contribute to compromising our immune systems.  Hand sanitizer is a must, but don't stop there. Our immune system needs a boost and here are some ways to get it. 

  • Probiotics – help to balance your gut flora and help minimize digestion issues (and upset stomachs). 80% of our immune system is in our gut, so give it a little attention.  I bring non-refrigerated probiotics, like the ones from Jarrow. (not shown)
  • Daily vitamin C and other minerals – My absolute favorite immune boosting travel supplement is Oxylent.  This powder, which comes in individual packets for easy transport, quickly dissolves in a glass of water and boosts your system with electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids.(By the way, this is great for the morning after you’ve had a little too much to drink, too.
  • Daily Greens – if you saw my earlier post on a product I recently reviewed, you’d know that Aloha’s The Daily Good is a great way to supplement a diet missing fresh leafy greens.  I added it to a glass of orange juice several mornings and knew that no matter what the day ahead brought, I’d have started off with something good in me.
  • For those times when the germs of sharing public places get to be too much and you feel that tickle in the back of your throat or your nose threatens to start running, I turn to Umcka.  This natural cold treatment has always prevented a potential cold from growing into something more.  It comes in chewable and powder form.
  • And for those times when you do eat something that upsets your stomach, try Stomach Rescue.  A natural remedy for calming down a gurgling stomach. Or when things aren’t ‘moving’ as you’d like, Smooth Move tea is an effective, gentle way to relieve constipation.

Keeping the Hunger Monster Away – these snacks and food items are easy to pack and carry with you for those moments you find yourself hungry and with ‘nothing good to eat’.

  •   Nearly every airport we’ve been in has fresh fruit for sale. Buy it when you see it and take it with you on the airplane to supplement what they will serve you in the sky – which is never very healthy. Once you’re at your hotel, grab a piece from the breakfast buffet to take with you for the day. Apples, bananas and oranges travel well (and the first two are great with a little almond butter on them).
  • Chia shots – these little packets are awesome! Keep them with you and sprinkle them onto yogurt and salads, or add to a bottle of water (shake every few minutes until they float freely) for a dose of omegas, protein and fiber.
  • Individual almond butter packets and organic, whole wheat pretzels.  These two things combined make a great snack, and if you add a piece of fruit to it, you’ve got a mini-meal.
  • Snack bars such as Lara and Kind brand. There are a lot of these grab-and-go bars around, but these two brands have healthier ingredients than most.
  • Homemade trail mix – choose your favorite combination of healthy raw nuts and seeds and add a bit of dark chocolate chips to the mix for a sweet treat.
  • Individual protein powder packets – great meal replacement option that can easily be poured into and shaken in a water bottle.  I like Vega One for their great combination of vegan protein, vitamins and minerals and greens, not to mention delicious flavors like Vanilla Chai. One morning we had the hotel blend it with ice for us… yum!

And the most important thing to remember when traveling…

  • WATER! Drink lots of water all day long! Hunger and fatigue are signs of dehydration – choose water first!  And don’t save this last tip just for traveling… make it your daily goal to drink more water than other drinks. 

Where ever your travels take you, go prepared, knowing you aren’t compromising your wellness for the sake of vacation… have a great time!

Getting Back on Track


Okay, Thanksgiving is over… how did you do? Did you manage to eat your veggies first? Take smaller portions? Go for a walk before or after dinner (or both)?  If you had a day that resulted in thousands of calories and indulgences, did you not beat yourself up over it and instead, got back on track Friday morning? Not yet? Well, start right now (with a mug of hot lemon water)– it’s never too late.

My Thanksgiving plate was not quite as “Clean” as it could have been had I been the one in the kitchen.  And I have to admit it that it bothered me more than I expected. As I glanced around the kitchen while helping to get the meal to the table I realized how little people understand about buying clean, quality ingredients.  They buy food with GMO’s, additives and preservatives described in words that are mostly unpronounceable, and ingredients that are not found anywhere else but in a chemistry lab.  But our country is not only convinced that saving a buck on a can of broth is better than taking their health serious, they vast majority of people believe that these processed foods aren’t harmful to our health. It’s a sad fact that I am going to dedicate my time to changing.

Here are some examples of what I saw… and I wouldn’t be surprised if these items found their way to your Thanksgiving table, too. Stouffer’s stuffing mix, Cool Whip, King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls, green beans in a can and Campbell’s cream of mushroom soup (for the ever famous and not nutritious green bean casserole), “store brand” chicken broth, pre-made mashed potatoes and Wondra flour. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

One thing you will read repeatedly on this blog is that Big Food Companies Do NOT Have Your Best Health in Mind – They Want to Make a Profit, No Matter What it Takes to Do So!  And as a result they make it exceptionally difficult to navigate the grocery store aisles with their flashy packaging, heartwarming commercials and carefully worded product claims. 

Reading the ingredients list on a food’s label is the only line of defense we have until GMO labeling initiatives finally start getting passed.  And yes, that means that sometimes you may need to buy a product labeled organic, but only because there is no other way to be sure your food is “clean” of modified, chemically enhanced, laboratory created unhealthy ingredients. Learn to read the list of ingredients on the foods you buy – they should be items that you recognize and could easily purchase elsewhere in the store should you decide to make the recipe from scratch.

Why am I so obsessed with Clean Eating? The main reason is that processed foods create inflammation in the body and wreak more than just a little havoc. They lead to obesity, increase inflammation in the body (which leads to illness), they are loaded with GMO’s and they cause our health to be compromised! For more on how processed foods affect our health, check out this article on Natural News.

So, now that I’ve ranted a little, I want to end on a more positive note.  You don’t have to settle for crappy, processed foods as part of your diet.  Start with the foods you most frequently eat and swap those out for healthier options. Then choose foods that don’t need labels. Fill your kitchen and your plate with fresh, whole foods – every day! Make green your favorite food color – salads, greens on your sandwiches, as sides, in soups and added to pastas. Drink lots of water; add lemon or sliced fruit for a flavor boost. Buy what’s in season.  If you start today, your grocery basket contents will look a lot healthier by the time it’s time for Christmas dinner.  And to help make the journey a little easier, I’ll be posting recipes over the next few weeks to make your holiday meal a little bit healthier. It’s never too late to start eating clean!

A New Kind of Dirty Dozen

A new Dirty Dozen list was released this week by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and it’s full of a dozen things that you may think don’t matter, but really, they do. 

In my research and findings of elements that contribute to inflammation and disease in the body, the chemicals on this list showed up again and again… and again. As a country we have become lazy, motivated by convenience and the idea of things that ‘make our live easier’ without questioning if those very things are making us unhealthier in the process.  Inflammation in the body starts off silent and can be fed and ‘fueled’ by the foods we eat, stress in our lives and chemicals like these endocrine disrupters listed in this new Dirty Dozen list. 

Here’s the Link:

"There is no end to the tricks that endocrine disruptors can play on our bodies: increasing production of certain hormones; decreasing production of others; imitating hormones; turning one hormone into another; interfering with hormone signaling; telling cells to die prematurely; competing with essential nutrients; binding to essential hormones; accumulating in organs that produce hormones." (EWG article - link above)

While I realize this could be a controversial topic for many who read this, I

offer this question to you: If there is an alternative, why not take it? My daughter has battled an autoimmune disease for the past five years. One of the first things we did was to decrease her (and our family’s) exposure to environmental toxins and you know what?, It made a difference! Her symptoms have been greatly minimized and she feels healthier and her blood work is improved as well.  Who wouldn’t want those kinds of results? 

Don’t wait until you are diagnosed with a health issue to start making changes. You don’t have to clear out your house tonight, start with the products you most frequently use. Make changes each time you shop. Look for “BPA Free” cans and bottles on products you buy (food and non-food).  Next time you buy food storage containers, opt for glass and BPA free.  Use a glass or stainless steel (BPA Free) re-usable water bottle container and not only will you reduce toxic exposure, you’ll be helping our environment, too. Look for personal care products that say ‘phthalate free’ and nail polishes that state they are ‘3 Free’, which means they are free of three ‘bad guys’ of chemicals.  Switch your non-stick cookware to brands that state they are PFOA and PFC free.  Target has a line of ceramic-coated cookware that is available by the piece and is easy on the wallet.

Starting with one change at a time will allow you to gradually improve your health without becoming overwhelmed. Add some healthy eating to the mix and you’ll be better off than you were before you read this… Small changes lead to big differences!

It's Food Day!

How many of you had no idea what Food Day is all about? Until about year ago, I didn’t know either. Celebrating Food Day is a great way to get started on making healthy eating a priority or it can be a day where you commit to eating food that comes from plants and is not made in factories. It can give you a chance to start seeing the food that you choose as

nourishing or damaging to your body.  Make today the first day of a yearlong journey into eating REAL FOOD!

Here are a few key points from the website:

Food Day is a nationwide celebration of healthy, affordable, and sustainably produced food and a grassroots campaign for better food policies.  Food Day aims to help people Eat Real. That means cutting back on sugar drinks, overly salted packaged foods, and fatty, factory-farmed meats in favor of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and sustainably raised protein. Food Day envisions shorter lines at fast-food drive-throughs — and bigger crowds at farmers markets.

This annual event involves some of the country’s most prominent food activists, like Jamie Oliver, united by a vision of food that is healthy, affordable, and produced with care for the environment, farm animals, and the people who grow, harvest, and serve it. Food Day priorities include:

  • Promote safer, healthier diets: The foods we eat should promote, not undermine, our good health. Yet, every year we spend more than $150 billion on obesity-related health care costs, plus another $73 billion in reduced productivity.
  • Support sustainable and organic farms: Currently, sustainable farms receive little to no federal support and often lack market access to keep them competitive. Meanwhile, the largest 10 percent of industrialized farms—which contribute to poor health and severe environmental degradation—receive 75 percent of all farm subsidies.
  • Reduce hungerCurrently, around 50 million Americans are considered “food insecure”, or near hunger, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps) participation is at an all-time high. SNAP is vital to reducing hunger, but the program’s budget is under constant attack while federal measures to increase food access are minimal.
  • Reform factory farms to protect the environment and farm animalsToday, most farm animals are confined in “factory farms”—sometimes containing as many as 50,000-100,000 cattle, hens, or pigs. These practices result in needless animal abuse and illness, environmental degradation, and harm the people who live in and around those facilities.
  • Support fair working conditions for food and farm workers: 20 million workers throughout the U.S. food system harvest, process, ship, sell, cook, and serve the food we eat every day. And yet, many farmworkers earn well below poverty levels while the tipped minimum wage for restaurant servers has remained at $2.13 per hour for the last 21 years.

Make your Food Day a fun day… visit a farmer’s market and try a new fruit or vegetable, make a new recipe from scratch and have your family help prepare it, plan a potluck dinner with your neighbors or think ahead and plant something to eat later in the year (blueberries, perhaps?). I’m going to fill my fridge with what’s in season … what will you do?

For the Love of Cinnamon


Fall is here and one of the biggest flavors that starts popping up around us is cinnamon.  I know most of you would have said pumpkin, which is true, but every pumpkin spice ‘something’ out there has cinnamon in it as a main ingredient, so cinnamon gets the shout out today (but oh, how I LOVE pumpkin pie!).

A short bit of background: Cinnamon is an amazing spice that contains calcium, fiber, iron and manganese and has been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda medicine to remedy illness. The bark of the cinnamon tree contains healing, essential oils as well. These oils are considered an ‘anti-microbial” food and have been studied for its ability to stop the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Cinnamon has been found to lessen the impact of high carb foods on your blood sugar levels and slows the rate of digestion as seen in recent research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which states that cinnamon may help you better regulate your blood-glucose levels.

The December 2003 issue of Diabetes Care also reported a study with type 2 diabetics that showed not only reduced blood sugar, but lower triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol.

But there is so much more cinnamon does for the body:

  • It can improve brain function and memory just by smelling it.
  • It has been used in TCM to provide relief for the onset of a cold or the flu (best when mixed in a tea with fresh ginger)
  • It’s been used in Chinese medicine for improving indigestion, cramps and circulation
  • When combined with honey, its been known to relieve arthritis pain
  • Stabilizing blood sugar helps in weight loss

Now, all that being said, I don’t recommend you start over-doing the cinnamon consumption.  In large doses it can be toxic, so adding it to your diet in small doses is the best way to gain its benefits. No, this is not permission to eat as many Cinnabons as you want!

Here are six ways to add cinnamon to your day:

  1. add it to a smoothie
  2. add it to a bowl of hot oatmeal
  3. roast sweet potatoes with honey and cinnamon
  4. have a cup of ginger tea and add a pinch of cinnamon
  5. simmer almond milk with cinnamon sticks for a warm beverage in place of hot cocoa.
  6. as a treat, spread raw honey on a piece of toasted sprouted grain bread and sprinkle the top with some cinnamon

What’s your favorite way to use cinnamon?

Enjoy the fall season and a burst of cinnamon in your life!

Grow in Gratitude


When you hear the word gratitude, what comes to mind? Do you feel something inside? Do you smile? Gratitude research demonstrates that when we learn to be thankful, we will be healthier in mind and body…but how often do we really sit down and spend time focusing on the things we are grateful for?

Being thankful is having an attitude of appreciation for something good that we have received from another person or from God.  And this is not a new concept – it has been around for thousands of years! Many cultures and faiths teach the benefits of the practice of gratitude.One of my favorite bible verses is about being grateful:  “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”  (I Thes. 5:!8) 

Research shows that thankfulness has a strong link to emotional health and physical well-being. Grateful people are typically happier, less stressed, more purposeful (and altruistic), sleep better and have fewer

complaints. Gratitude strengthens our emotions, makes us more optimistic and increases relaxation. It is felt in the heart, the mind and the body.

 I think Albert Einstein was on to something when he was quoted as saying “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as everything is a miracle.”  And there’s always the old question of, “do you see the glass as half-full or half-empty?”

For years Oprah has advocated the power of gratitude and has urged us all to keep a gratitude journal.  The simplicity of taking time, just five minutes a day, to write down things you are grateful for can lead to noticeable changes in your life. You can be thankful for something as simple as a beautiful sunset or as big as good news from your doctor. Once you start journaling, you’ll start finding more things to add to your list.

Here are a few ways you can practice gratitude:

Gratitude Journal. Each day, write down the things you are grateful for. Try to identify new things that you haven’t appreciated before. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God. On days you are having a hard time with what to put down, read over previous entries and remind yourself that there are things to be thankful for.

Thankful Thoughts. What you think about is hugely significant! Spend a few minutes focusing your thoughts on the good things in your life that you’re thankful for. (I turn these thoughts into gratitude prayers.)

Gratitude Letter. Write a letter or a card to someone who has blessed you. Thank him or her for specific things they’ve done to encourage you. Offer affirmations for qualities you appreciate about them.

Growing in wellness means many things and the practice of gratefulness is one element that costs you nothing, but can bring great gain. Take one more step toward being healthier today… start by shifting to an attitude of gratefulness (see your glass as half-full!).  In the words of Maya Angelou, “Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.  And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.”

Be happy, be healthy!